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Thank you for your interest in Fatima Farida Academy. The School’s admission procedures and policies are outlined below. The Admission Office is ever ready to assist you in this process, so please feel free to email or call any of the contacts above with any questions you may have.

Although our school is a bilingual Islamic school, our admission policy offers equal opportunities to all. It is one without any distinction between children of any race, religion or colour.

It is our policy to admit children into the school on a first come, first served basis.

Children who are already in our Crèche will be given priority into the Nursery. Admissions into primary (Year 1 to Year 6) will be dependent on the places available in the respective year groups applied for.

Siblings of children that are already in the school will be given priority regarding admission into the preschool.

Parents are advised to apply as soon as the academic year draws to a close if they really wish to enroll their child in the school. Parents will have an opportunity to see the school during the school’s Open Day ceremony.

When a parent/guardian wishes to place a child on our waiting list, they will be asked to fill out the registration/admission form for our confidential records. This registration form asks for the following details;

  • A passport size photo of your ward.
  • Personal details of your ward which includes; full name, date of birth, gender, nationality, previous schools attended, languages that your child speaks, your child’s attitude to teaching and learning, his or her familiarity with the Arabic Language, etc.
  • Parent or guardian information which includes; full name of parents or guardians, their phone numbers, residential and work address, their emails, whether they are single, married, divorced or widowed, etc.
  • Your child’s health record which includes; problems with hearing and sight, issues of allergy and its treatment, preferred hospital, nurse or doctor in case of any health emergency, etc.
  • Emergency details which includes; the phone number, email, work and home address of any person to contact in case of emergency, names, contacts and pass port sized photos of persons who are authorized to come and pick children after school closes every day.
  • Terms of conditions of admission.
  • Signing and dating of the registration information after reading of the terms and conditions of admission.

A non-refundable registration fee which is subject to change with time, payable from Crèche to Primary, is charged if a parent/guardian wishes to place their child’s name on the school’s waiting list.

Parents/Guardians must note that the issuance of registration/admission forms does not imply automatic admission into the school.

Before admitting your child, you will be asked to come in for an appointment with us and we may ask your child a few questions.

For primary admissions, a baseline assessment will be undertaken with the child to determine what level the child should be admitted into.