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The school has a vibrant parents and teachers’ association that helps to enhance the activities of the school for the wellbeing of teachers, parents and the students.

The PTA holds meetings and our meetings are compulsory for both teachers and parents/guardians. Failure to attend our PTA meetings attracts some penalties or fines.

Decisions arrived at and agreed by the parents/guardians and teachers present at our meetings become binding on all parents/guardians and teachers.

If a parent/guardian and or a group of them wishes to meet with any teacher (s) or the management of the school, the authorities of the school must be informed and permission given.

If a parent/guardian want to meet with their ward (s) during school hours, permission must be sought from the school’s management.


The Do’s And Don’ts of Pupil’s and Parents

  1. Pupils are not allowed to bring in any material that has not be recommended by the school to the school.
  2. Pupils are not allowed to fight with anyone in the school. A child who consistently fight with other children after every prevention measure is undertaken will face other disciplinary consequences.
  3. Mobile phones and all other electronics are not allowed.
  4. Pupils are not allowed to bring chewing gum to school.
  5. Snacks in containers that could cause injury to children are not allowed.
  6. Parents/guardians are not allowed to see their wards during school hours without permission from management.
  7. Parents/guardians must not take children away during school hours without permission from management.
  8. Parents/guardians are not allowed to send messengers to children in school without permission from management.