Fees are payable termly in advance and must be paid before the start of term.
If a cheque sent for collection attracts extra charges, the school will ask the parents/guardians to pay them.
A full term’s fees are payable irrespective of the actual date of admission, re-entry or withdrawal.
Where pupils will be absent for a full academic year and parents wish places kept, fees must be paid in full for the period of absence; other pupils will be considered as new entrants and admitted when a vacancy occurs, on payment of a new admission fee. A month’s written notice is required on withdrawal. If no such notice is given, a term’s fees must be paid in lieu thereof.
Fees are not refundable in the event of a pupil being expelled, or in any other circumstances.
The Directors of the School reserve the right to raise the scale of fees during the course of the school’s year.
There will be no refunds of fees if a child is removed permanently from the school on the basis that his or her conduct has been unsatisfactory (whether on or off school premises, or in or out of term’s time), or has been prejudicial to the good order or reputation of the school, and that the continued presence of the child is incompatible with the interest of the school. There will be no refund of fees in these circumstances (and all unpaid fees must be settled) and fees in lieu of notice would not be charged.
Legally, every child over the age of five (5) is required to attend a school and receive an education. Any child, who is, without prior written permission from the Principal, absent from class for two weeks or portions thereof, will receive a letter requesting an explanation.
If the child remains absent for the third week or portions thereof, a first warning will be sent. After four weeks, second and final written warnings will be sent. If these are not responded to, it will result in the removal of the child’s name from the school or a term’s fees will be payable in lieu thereof.
Parents/guardians must give a month’s written notice before withdrawing their child/children from the school.
If written notice has not been received a month in advance before the next term begins, a full term’s fees will be payable regardless of whether the child attends school or not.
Only written notices handed into the school’s office will be deemed valid and those notices given orally will not be accepted.
Written notices received in the beginning of a term will not be accepted as it will not be classed as being received a month in advance and therefore a full term’s fees will be payable.
Please look on the school’s website for deadline dates for handing in notice of withdrawal for each academic term.
If you require further clarification on these regulations please speak to a member of the administration team.